Product Liability Claims
Product liability involves claims that a product was defectively manufactured or designed, or an that an issue exists with a product’s labeling, instructions, or warnings. Parties to product liability litigation include manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, while products include both commercial and consumer goods. To defend against product liability claims, we strive to understand the ins and outs of the product’s design, engineering and manufacturing processes, the user environment at issue, and the product’s use history. We have defended many high-exposure products liability cases involving wrongful death claims, permanent catastrophic injury, brain injury, extensive burns, and permanent loss of earnings capacity. We understand that successfully defending our clients’ interest depends on developing a systematic approach to the investigation of the cause of the event, the preservation of evidence, the selection of credible experts, and implementing a strategic plan for bringing a case to trial. Whether the case concerns a death, personal injury, or large property loss, our attorneys have assisted our clients at every phase of litigation including pre-suit investigations, discovery, trial, and appeal.